Out-Of-School Care Kindergarten Program named an Early Learning & Childcare Centre


Proud to be named an Alberta Early Learning and Child Care Centre

HSCA’s Hillhurst-Sunnyside Out of School Care is excited to have been named one of 22 Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) Centres across Alberta.

What we offer

To be selected as an Early Learning and Child Care Centre, we were tasked with making improvements that go above and beyond other child care programs. Our program uses an evidence-based *child care curriculum framework. This program was developed by early learning and child care educators, early childhood academics, government, and professionals working in related fields. It is designed to foster improved early childhood development outcomes so your child can get the best possible start to life.

Starting May 1st 2018, we will also be offering capped parent fees TO KINDERGARTEN FAMILIES ONLY at $25/day with the help of financial support from the Province of Alberta.  Currently, we can’t offer capped fees to Grades 1-6 as the ELCC pilot project is for children infant-kindergarten age only. 


Thank you for your interest in our Early Learning and Child Care Centre program. Please understand that because space is limited, our program is offered first to residents of the Hillhurst-Sunnyside Community.   We will contact you should a space become available.

 Waitlist Application

Once completed please submit to the Program Manager: Shannon.m@hsca.ca

Links and resources


If you have additional questions about Alberta’s new Early Learning and Child Care Centres, please contact:  ELCC@gov.ab.ca.

*Play, Participation, and Possibilities: An Early Learning and Child Care Curriculum Framework for Alberta by Makovichuk,L., Hewes, J., Lirette, P., & Thomas, N., is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution –NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Based on the work found at www.childcareframework.com


A Daycare Story of Community and Resiliency

In 2017, the Hillhurst Sunnyside Daycare was named an Early Learning Childcare Centre by the Government of Alberta. This meant that HSCA received a grant for facility improvements and increased spaces to make our daycare more accessible to all families of Hillhurst Sunnyside no matter their income level.

This also meant more opportunity to make an impact in the community to satisfy our mission of preserving and enhancing a healthy and vibrant quality of life for our residents. One resident has shared her and her daughter's experience with the HSCA Daycare progam and its staff, and we in turn would like to share her story with you.

Once upon a time there was a young woman who found herself in a big, new city. Hopeful, yet unsure of the path she had taken with her two young girls in tow; the journey would be challenging. Once she found her stride, she felt relief when getting her work done, especially in knowing the calm she felt whenever she left the youngest daughter, K (name removed to protect identity) with her care providers. There was no doubt in her heart that K was being loved and supported in all her growth and uniqueness. There was no second thought that came to mind as the young woman stepped out to face the days; the ease of mind assured her with strength and belief in self to accomplish anything and to push even on those hardest days. From day one, she saw happiness in K’s eyes, felt excitement in K’s voice and witnessed the wonder in K at play. These gifts brought tears of joy to the young woman’s eyes. She will be indebted; for the gratitude in the young woman’s heart will continually support how she raises that little K.

I am lucky to hold the story of the community which lives and is so very real at Hillhurst Sunnyside Daycare. It is this group of hearts that will remind me of the beauty we are capable of attaining as human beings. From the bottom of my soul, I thank all the staff at Hillhurst Sunnyside for helping me build a foundation for K’s journey.


  • J

Drawing by K: I am Looking for Ladybugs

Drawing by K: I am Looking for Ladybugs

We wish to thank J and K for sharing their story with us. And we strive for more opportunities to build community and resiliency for our Hillhurst Sunnyside neighbours.


When our community's current ARP (Area Redevelopment Plan) was passed by Council in 2009 several recommendations to respect and enhance heritage and community character were included along with an entire section (8.0) on Heritage Conservation. Unfortunately, little has been done by the City to incentify Heritage preservation of residential homes in our community and while not every heritage home can (or should) be preserved, there is currently little balance between profit and preservation.

However, not every developer’s primary focus is profit. We sat down with Rob Froese, an owner and developer in our community to discuss his thoughts on heritage preservation and whether it makes economic sense. Rob became involved in our community when he saw the Hillhurst Sunnyside business district, Kensington, being 'gentrified'. He was concerned that the character that makes Hillhurst Sunnyside so special would be lost as large developers with little understanding or long-term interest in the community built large high-end buildings. He decided to buy properties, some of which are in the TOD (Transit Orientated Development area of our community which allows for greater density) with plans to renovate and rent houses at a reasonable rate and redevelop them over time in a more sensitive manner with a focus on moderately priced 'Middle Housing' (transition housing between large mid-rises and single family homes). Rob's vision is to find a 'balance between earning a fair return and social objectives' he also wanted to ensure that the community's preferences were taken into account with any new developments he was involved with. And over time, Rob also started to include heritage preservation in his objectives.


Amongst Rob's holdings are two red brick 1924 Arts and Crafts brick bungalows on 2nd Avenue (pictured), one which he restored the exterior and the second is currently undergoing interior restoration. Rob's first step was to work with his carpenter/furniture designer Peter Freeman to renovate and restore the homes to their original glory (or close to it). The home pictured to the left had been updated over the years with cedar and then vinyl cladding which, when removed, revealed original intricate woodwork and glass stucco detail in the gable.

Rob’s restoration projects have become a bit of a community effort – when news of Rob’s work spread, one of the neighbors offered Rob original storm. While another neighbor, a young carpenter tenant offered his help with basic carpentry work. The blue house pictured to its right was previously owned by a family of 3 who loved the house and when they were transferred out of Calgary they asked Rob if he was interested in purchasing the house as they wanted an owner who would treasure their house rather than immediately demolish it. The house retains all the original fir casings, interior window trim, original doors, moldings, brick fireplace, and claw foot tub.

Rob's vision for both homes is to make them economically viable by adding a legal basement suite and small laneway suite to each. An enabler of this plan is the current M-CG zoning which allows for a legal basement suite OR a laneway suite. To make the properties economic and to prototype small laneways, Rob would like see if he can get zoning for both. If the Community and City supports his plan, Rob will enhance the economic viability of these properties (and density of our community) with a total of six small homes (each 500sqft – 800sqft) and also provide affordable housing to promote demographic diversity in our community.

While some view heritage preservation as simply 'the right thing to do', in communities like ours with high land there is a tendency for developers to build big mid-high market condos. The City can support the heritage cause by providing incentives for heritage preservation such as zoning 'friendly' bylaws that allow owners to increase the value of their properties while keeping the heritage home intact. However, any such incentives that the City may be currently deliberating must come into effect soon given the pace of development in our community. Rob realizes this and in his words 'I’ve been working as fast as I can on my two brick houses to show there is an alternative type of economic redevelopment where you can moderately increase density and save historical homes'.

Lorna Cordeiro is currently a member of the Hillhurst Sunnyside Planning Committee; co-chair of the Heritage Community Task Force (a coalition of >15 Calgary communities focused on improving planning policy in support of heritage preservation) and was one of the founders of Century Homes Calgary. If you have any suggestions for future articles, please contact her via lisa.c@hsca.ca

Planning, Safety, Infrastructure and Open Space

Community Planning and Development

Written by Lisa Chong for HSCA Planning Committee

Hillhurst Sunnyside has gone through major changes in the past few years as Calgary grows and densifies. The HSCA has a planning committee (HSPC) that evaluates development applications and provides local context to the City and developers. HPSC works to engage residents and review individual proposals through the lens of the Hillhurst Sunnyside Area Redevelopment Plan.

RBC Site Redevelopment

Graywood Developments has submitted a rezoning application for the site at 413 10th Street NW (currently occupied by Royal Bank). The developer intends to build a new 32m (9-storey), 5 FAR mixed-use building with retail/commercial on the ground floor and 100-120 condos on the upper floors at the site. This project is within the scope of the ARP vision.

Any feedback should be sent to steve.jones2@calgary.ca. Be sure to copy the HSCA Planning Committee c/o Lisa Chong (lisa.c@hsca.ca) and Councillor Farrell’s office to Dale Calkins (caward7@calgary.ca). Your comments help us understand your insights as residents.

The rezoning application will be going forward to Calgary Planning Commission (CPC) for their recommendation to City Council, which has the final say on approval. The tentative CPC date is March 22. You can read the City report soon at calgary.ca/cpc. Designs for the building are to be expected soon.

Sunnyside Grocery Redevelopment

This is a proposal for six family-oriented townhouse style units at 802 2nd Ave NW. The existing building will be demolished, and the developer will work with the City on heritage commemoration on the design of the building. The recent rezoning application was approved at Calgary Planning Commission on January 24 and will move forward to City Council and the Public Hearing for their final decision on March 12. You can see a copy of the report at agendaminutes.calgary.ca and watch the live feed online or at City Hall starting at 9am.

Sunnyside Sustainable Living has submitted a Development Permit – you can view the plan proposal for the building at the HSCA during office hours (M-F from 9am to 3:30pm). Any feedback should be sent to sabrina.brar@calgary.ca and be sure to copy us at lisa.c@hsca.ca.

Learn more about this project at sunnysideliving.ca or read their social media updates at facebook.com/sunnysidegrocery.


If you have any questions or need help with navigating the planning and development process, contact us and we will connect you with a volunteer. Or if you have a skill you would like to share, but are unable to attend our monthly meetings, let us know! Contact lisa.c@hsca.ca.


1.     Read about major projects happening in your area by visiting www.hsca-community-planning.mn.co, including volunteer opportunities.

2.     Sign up for emails from your community association at www.hsca.ca.

3.     Follow us on social media at facebook.com/hillhurstsunnyside and twitter.com/hillhurstsunny.

4.     In-person at the next HSCA Planning Committee meeting. We meet on the second Tuesday of every month from 7-9pm at the community centre. All residents and potential volunteers/guests are welcome!


Community Safety


The HSCA is looking for resident volunteers to take the lead and coordinate community safety initiatives. We are eager to hear your ideas. Contact HSCA Vitalization at hscavitalization@gmail.com and cc: lisa.c@hsca.ca if interested and read our posting at https://hsca-community-planning.mn.co/posts/community-safety-volunteers-needed for details.


Sunnyside Stormwater Lift Station

A new storm water lift station will be built between the Curling Club and the Calgary Parking Authority parking lot along Memorial Drive. This second lift station will “lift” stormwater from low-lying areas and redirect water to the river though underground infrastructure.

Along with a new lift station to help with stormwater management, the community will see exciting improvements for the surrounding site for public activities. Stay connected to HSCA online and social media for more information, including a future City of Calgary open house.

Learn more about the new Sunnyside lift stations at https://engage.calgary.ca/SunnysideLS.



Action on Flood Mitigation Requested

Action on Flood Mitigation Requested

Call to Action: We are at a critical point where visible support from our community is essential if necessary flood mitigation infrastructure is to move forward. Please provide input to the Alberta Budget 2018 and to the City Council Committee on Utilities and Corporate Services.

(1) Please provide input to the Alberta Provincial Budget 2018 in support of flood mitigation for Calgary. The deadline is this Friday, February 9, 2018 at 4:30 p.m. MST. Unfortunately we have had some indication that the province might delay the start of critical upstream feasibility studies and that they might even back off existing commitments. Feedback from Albertans is essential. Here is the link with all the information: https://www.alberta.ca/budget-consultations.aspx

As a minimum please fill out the simple three question survey at https://extranet.gov.ab.ca/opinio6/s?s=38416. It is important that you write your own answers, but to give an idea here are a few points to consider: • Investments in flood mitigation infrastructure must be made, particularly a new dam upstream on the Bow River. • Calgary is a key economic engine for Alberta yet it remains exceptionally vulnerable to flooding from both the Bow and Elbow rivers. • If effects of climate change were considered, the urgency for additional flood mitigation infrastructure would be even more apparent. • The provincial government must live up to its existing commitments as well as starting the work on a new dam

If you wish to write a longer letter/email related to the budget that would be great. Please address it to Budget.Feedback@gov.ab.ca . It is way more important that you write than what you write, as long as you mention flood mitigation.

Overall responsibility for flood mitigation rests with Alberta Environment and Parks at Honourable Shannon Phillips, Minister of Environment and Parks 208 Legislature Building 10800 - 97 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5K 2B6 aep.minister@gov.ab.ca

We ask that the province promptly implement recommendations in the “Advice to Government on Water Management in the Bow River Basin” study that they commissioned from the Bow River Working Group (new upstream dam in particular).

(2) Please provide input to the City Council Standing Policy Committee on Utilities and Corporate Services supporting effective flood mitigation for our community, and in particular a higher berm than what the city is now proposing for Sunnyside. Input can be provided in writing or in person at the meeting.

(A) In writing: Letters/emails should be addressed to Councillor Druh Farrell, Ward 7 and be emailed to Dale Calkins at caward7@calgary.ca . He will ensure that your input gets to the meeting. Important: At or near the top of your letter or in the transmitting email include words along the lines of "I ask that this letter be included as part of the public record at the Utilities and Corporate Services meeting of February 14, 2018". Otherwise your letter might be treated as personal correspondence.

Write whatever you want. Letters that come from your heart and refer to your own personal experiences and feelings have the greatest impact. You might consider the following themes: a. Thank the City for the stormwater and groundwater projects approved and moving to construction, and ask that these be expedited as much as possible. Ask that the additional stormwater projects planned be approved to move forward in the next couple of years. b. Express support for a new upstream dam on the Bow and ask the city to encourage the province to build it ASAP. c. Express disappointment at the inadequate berm improvements proposed by the City and demand that the planned height of the Sunnyside berm be reviewed and raised to reflect the risk we are exposed to during the long delay before an upstream dam is built. d. Or any other topic that you wish to address.

Again, it is more important that you write than what you write

Keep your letters as short as possible. Maximum one page. There is a lot that one can say about flood mitigation but it is better to pick one topic and express it forcefully, succinctly and from your personal experience. Long rambling letters are rarely read and they are usually understood less. Be polite but firm and to the point. Do not include any personal attacks, nor questioning of motives nor dwell on blame for past errors.

I would appreciate a "cc" just so I have an idea of what is being said (cdlund2@yahoo.com)

(B) For those wanting to attend and speak at the Calgary City Council Standing Policy Committee on Utilities and Corporate Services (SPC-UCS) the meeting will be at 9:30 AM Wednesday, February 14 in the Council Chamber of the Municipal Building. The committee will receive input from the public. Those planning to speak are welcome to attend our meeting at HSCA on Monday February 12 at 7:00 PM. We will discuss rules, guidelines and tips for speaking at SPC-UCS (it is not difficult).

If you would like any help with anything above please contact me. Thank you. Charlie Lund cdlund2@yahoo.com

Community Safety

Due to a variety of reasons such as the economic downturn and the displacement of vulnerable people from the downtown east side, neighbourhoods closest to the river and along the trains have been experiencing a higher amount of activity.

HSCA hosted a community safety meeting on November 30, 2017 to hear from residents and develop high-level strategy with Constable Glenn Pederson from District 3 Calgary Police Service at the table.  Click on the link here to view the meeting minutes.

What Can I Do?
Volunteer for Your Community

Would you like to get involved with starting a community safety group? We are looking for resident volunteers to take the lead and coordinate community safety initiatives and are eager to hear your ideas. Contact HSCA Vitalization at hscavitalization@gmail.com and cc: lisa.c@hsca.ca if interested.

Connect with Neighbours

Read updates and share information with neighbours via the HSCA Facebook page at www.facebook.com/hillhurstsunnyside or the residents’ “Sunnyside Up” Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/431856983579750. You can also form your own street or area-based email list or social media group.

Building Safe Communities

The Federation of Calgary Communities provides free resources and workshops under their Building Safe Communities program. Check out https://calgarycommunities.com/our-services/building-safe-communities for more information.

Fill out a “My Neighbour Card” with your neighbours. Print off a copy and share with neighbours/friends at https://calgarycommunities.com/my-neighbour-card.

Traffic Calming Study Petition

Talk to your neighbours and organize a Traffic Calming Study petition through City of Calgary Transportation – review http://www.calgary.ca/Transportation/TP/Pages/Safety/Community-Studies/Community-Traffic-Studies.aspx and click on Traffic Calming Policy for the petition form.

State the issues clearly in your submission. Once complete, contact HSCA c/o Lisa Chong (lisa.c@hsca.ca) and we will help you with getting final signatures from the HSCA, the ward councillor and the community police liaison for submission.

Note: this is a request for a traffic study through the City Transportation Department and does not guarantee traffic calming measures, which will be determined based on the City’s criteria and budget.


Calgary Police Service (CPS) District 3 Community Liaison

Sgt. Dave McMath



Who to Call and When

Use this guide if you are stuck on when to call 911, CPS non-emergency line, or Downtown Outreach Addictions Program (DOAP) [add link].

City of Calgary 311

Call 311, available 24 hours a day with concerns. Be sure to provide the street address of your inquiry to the operator. You can also submit a ticket online at www.calgary.ca/311 or the mobile app, Calgary 311. 311 requests are tracked and forwarded to the appropriate City department and helps City Hall determine where to allocate resources and funding.

Calgary Parking Authority

To report a parking issue or an illegally parked vehicle, phone 403-537-7000.

Information Meeting About Approved Flood Mitigation

On Monday January 29, 2018 the City of Calgary Water Resources – Infrastructure Delivery Team will meet with the HSCA Emergency Preparedness And Response Committee - Infrastructure Group to review the progress of approved and funded flood mitigation projects in Hillhurst-Sunnyside.  This meeting will be open to all residents of Hillhurst Sunnyside.
Specifically, the City Representatives will discuss the following projects.
(1)     Sunnyside Sanitary Lift Station
(2)     Sunnyside Storm Water Pump Station #2
(3)     Sunnyside Storm Water Pump Station #1
(4)     Upper Plateau Separation Project
(5)     Bow River Gravel Bar Micro-Braiding (Centre Street and Louise Bridge gravel bars in particular)
The meeting will be held in the Hearth Room of the Hillhurst – Sunnyside Community Association on Monday January 29, 2018.  The meeting will begin promptly at 7:00 PM and should be over by 8:30 PM.
The purpose of this meeting is to provide information on the progress of approved and funded flood mitigation infrastructure in Hillhurst – Sunnyside.  The City representatives invited are responsible for constructing the projects listed above.  They are not responsible for designing and approving new projects.  Therefore, this meeting is not to advocate for projects not yet approved or funded. 
In particular this meeting will not address the height of the riverside berm in Sunnyside.  It is anticipated that the City will in the near future host an engagement session focused on this important topic, and we encourage all residents to attend that session.  Details tbd.
Additional information will be provided through the HSCA “Flood” mailing list.  If you would like to sign up or manage your list subscription please do so here.

January Community & Planning Development Update

The Hillhurst Sunnyside Planning Committee (HSPC) is made up of community residents and works to respond to planning and development applications in the community. HSPC aims to support the Hillhurst Sunnyside Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) and to provide information and engage neighbours throughout the planning process. Visit https://hsca-community-planning.mn.co/ for the latest community planning news.

HSPC meets every second Tuesday at the community centre. Due to timing, please note that our January 9, 2018 meeting has been cancelled. Please join us at our next meeting on Tuesday February 13 from 7-9pm. We are expecting an update from Anthem Properties on the redevelopment of the former CBC/Radio Canada site at 1724 Westmount Boulevard NW. All residents are welcome whether you are a new or existing resident, rent or own your home. Come learn about what’s happening in the community and meet your neighbours! You can find a copy of the agenda and past minutes at www.hsca.ca/meetings.

Royal Bank Site Redevelopment | 413 10th St NW

Graywood Developments has submitted a Land Use Amendment (rezoning) application for the RBC site. This site was allocated the greatest height in the ARP Transit Oriented Development policy (32 metres or 9-10 storeys) and a maximum Floor Area Ratio of 5.0. There is specific policy in the ARP for urban mixed-use development (including ground floor retail and residential). The residential portion could add approximately 100-120 units to the community. The developer will still need to rezone the site to the ARP height/FAR and are seeking a MU-2 (Mixed Use - Active Frontage) zoning designation.

This application will go through the City planning process; residents are invited to submit comments on the rezoning application to the City File Manager at steve.jones2@calgary.ca (please quote LOC2017-0393). This is a Concurrent Application; the Development Permit (plans for the building and site) will be expected in the coming months. Public engagement is also expected in early 2018.


As this is a gateway location, we would strongly expect to see a design that complements and enhances the human scale of the neighbourhood, the public realm around the building and pedestrian experience. Based on preliminary discussions, HSPC believes that the biggest obstacle will be traffic; it is not possible to turn left from Gladstone Road (already a difficult through-road) onto 10th Street and traffic will go through the residential part of the community.

As for coordination with Stonebriar on the neighbouring LifeSport redevelopment project to the north, based on our information, the sale of the building has fallen through and there is no proposal at this time.

Former CBC/Radio-Canada Site | 1724 Westmount Blvd NW

Anthem Properties (also the developer for the condo project at 1134-1160 Memorial Drive NW) is currently in the process of an internal review of the redevelopment. Anthem’s representatives informed us that they have met with the immediate neighbours across the alley from the site to discuss their project. Please join us at the February 13th HSPC meeting at 7pm to hear updates on this project.

Read residents’ aspirations for the site at http://bit.ly/HSCA_CBC_Engagement.

Russell Red “Glo” Project | 916-926 2nd Avenue NW

At the time of writing, amended DP plans responding to the City Detailed Team Review and community input has been received and will have gone through a second-round review from the City. The DP will go forward to Calgary Planning Commission for their final decision.

The development will still need to go through City Council to approve the zoning and to ensure that the amended plans comply with Council’s direction for a building that fits better with the established neighbourhood. While some positive changes were made, and the land use district fits the ARP maximums, it is still a large 5-storey building surrounding by historic houses and multi-family homes.

Read more on the developer’s website at www.2avenw.ca.

Sunnyside Grocery Redevelopment | 802 2nd Avenue NW

Sunnyside Sustainable Living has submitted a rezoning application to allow for a 6-unit townhouse style project; the City will review community comments and will deliver their recommendation to Calgary Planning Commission and City Council in the near future. A DP is expected soon. Visit www.sunnysideliving.ca to see the concept and read more about the proposal.

Truman Condo Project | 922, 926, 928 Memorial Drive

The City approval of the Development Permit for this project was recently appealed by neighbours and supported by the HSCA. While it is an attractive building, the HSPC had several concerns with the approved land use height/FAR so far above the ARP policy and the fact that community input did not influence the final building height.

Due to jurisdiction, the Appeal Board could not hear about the rezoning, ARP amendment and engagement and only that the DP follows the direction of the Direct Control bylaws that were approved by Council in Sept 2017. The DP was partially denied with some compromises:

·       Removing the trees from the west side of the site and replacing at the developer’s expense.

·       Remove glazing from west side of the main floor to prevent light pollution

·       Future consultations with 934 Memorial re: transition at property line

·       Removal of light over garage door.

·       Addition of access gates on the roof top amenity space to ease privacy concerns to adjacent homes.

Thank you to those involved with this project and for your time writing letters. You can read the decision document at https://www.canlii.org/en/ab/absdab/ and search “SDAB2017-0091”. See www.engagememorial.com to view the developer’s website.

Bow to Bluff Update

Bow to Bluff is a citizen-initiated project to improve the triangular parks and linear space next to the LRT line, improve safety, connections, and create a great public gathering spaces between the Bow River and McHugh Bluff. Click to see the December 2017 B2B Public Realm Plan - Design Update and keep updated at http://www.calgary.ca/CSPS/Parks/Pages/Locations/Downtown-parks/Bow-to-Bluff-Urban-Design-Framework.aspx. Funding is available to implement a part of the project this year.

January 29, 2018 Flood Information Session

The City of Calgary is hosting an event to provide information on flood mitigation projects underway: three pump stations (one under construction, one at DP stage and the last one in design stage) and on the Upper Plateau Separation project.

Please join us on Monday January 29, 2018 from 7-9pm at the HSCA to learn more about the various flood mitigation projects, ask questions, or get involved and volunteer for the HSCA Emergency Planning & Response Committee.

Vendome Socials Planning Session

The Vitalization Committee would like to invite all interested residents to come and help plan monthly neighbour socials for the community. Come out to Vendome Café to be a part of the fun on Thursday January 11 from 6:30pm to 8pm.

What's Happening in the Neighbourhood?

What’s happening in the neighbourhood?

The Hillhurst Sunnyside Planning Committee (HSPC) meeting has a full agenda for our Tuesday December 12, 2017 meeting. All residents are welcome! We will hear from guest presenters on a few major projects:

  1. Daniel E. from the City of Calgary on Bow to Bluff updates (7:00pm to 7:30pm)

  2. Jason A. from Urban Renewal Group on a rezoning proposal to change the zoning from R-C2 to R-CG to allow for a 4-unit rowhousing building at 826 16 Street NW (7:40pm to 8:00pm)

  3. Brian H. from O2 Planning + Design representing Graywood Developments on a proposed rezoning application for the RBC site on 10th Street. This is a discussion on the Land Use Amendment (rezoning) only and they will not have building designs ready at this stage.  (8:00pm to 8:30pm)

Please help us spread the word to your neighbours and stop by if you would like to learn more about any of these projects (you don't need to stay for the entire 2 hour meeting).  Please also send me an email so we know how many chairs/tables to set up for the Dec 12 meeting, or if you would like to get involved at lisa.c@hsca.ca.

Sunnyside Village Redevelopment Proposal

Sunnyside Sustainable Living is hosting an open house for their redevelopment proposal at 802 2nd Avenue NW (the former Sunnyside Grocery store at the corner of 2nd Avenue and 7th Street).  Please bookmark www.sunnysideliving.ca to learn more information as it becomes available. Details below:

Wednesday December 6, 2017
5:00pm to 8:00 pm
Vendome Cafe, 940 2 Avenue NW


containR at 1020 2nd Avenue NW

Springboard Performance has applied for a renewal of the Development Permit to be able to run community events at containR. Please provide any comments to the City planner by Monday December 11, 2017. Click here for details.

Images: Google Earth / Lisa Chong

Images: Google Earth / Lisa Chong

City of Calgary Citizen Engagement on Cannabis Legalization

The City of Calgary is seeking input on the following:

  • Rules/regulations required for businesses operating within the municipality

  • Rules/regulations relating to public consumption

  • Enforcement of municipal, provincial and federal regulation of legalized recreational cannabis

Go to https://engage.calgary.ca/cannabis to give your feedback. The survey is open from November 20 until December 10.

Water for Riley

W4R would like to update neighbours on their progress! Go to http://www.waterforriley.org/blog/ to read about W4R volunteers’ activities.

Heritage Update

As of last month, City Council has approved three heritage buildings as Municipal Heritage Resources (these buildings are now legally protected).

  • (1) Glenwood Manor on Memorial Drive. All condominium owners voted to designate the building.

  • (2) Arnell Block (currently Starbucks) and (3) Smith-Cozzubbo Residence (currently Kensington Pub) were also designated as protected municipal heritage buildings. This was a part of a development agreement with the owner of the properties (Dobbin Group) to increase the density of the redevelopment at 1150 Memorial Drive NW (now owned and being developed by Anthem Properties)

Read about these heritage resources and more at  https://maps.calgary.ca/DiscoverHistoricCalgary/.

Sunnyside Storm Lift Stations #1 & #2

A new pump station will be constructed east of the Curling Centre near the CPA parking lot (location to be determined) and the existing station at 605 1 Ave (corner of 5A St and 1 Ave) will be upgraded.

Public input on the design of the two buildings closed on November 12.  The City of Calgary’s engagement report, of “What We Heard” report has now been released. Read it online at https://www.calgary.ca/engage/Documents/SunnysideStormLiftStations/SunnysideStormLiftStations_WWHR.pdf. Thank you to those who provided feedback and thank you to the HSCA Emergency Planning and Response Committee (EPARC) for all their hard work and advocacy for the community.

The City has submitted a Development Permit (DP2017-5314) or building plans for the upgraded lift station at 605 1 Ave NW for community review and comments. The DP will be reviewed at the next HSCA EPARC meeting on December 4 from 7-9pm at the HSCA.

Community Safety

The HSCA Vitalization Committee was pleased to host a community safety meeting on November 30 with Constable Glenn Pederson from District 3. We heard from residents about challenges in the community and a general increase in activity in communities across the river (in part attributed to the displacement of the homeless population from redevelopment at the East Village). We are still working on the minutes of the meeting to update those who were not able to attend.

Please continue to contact 311 for concerns, or call the police if you witness any issues. Please find more information on “who to call and when” at https://hsca-community-planning.mn.co/posts/1373354. Calls are logged and helps determine budget allocation (such as for police) at City Hall.

Contact hscavitalization@gmail.com and cc: lisa.c@hsca.ca if you would like to get involved with any community safety initiatives.

Hillhurst Sunnyside Farmers' Market is your one stop shop for holiday cheer this December.

Holiday Farmers' MarketSeries.png

Connect with your community, and support local at the HSCA Farmers' Market 'Holiday Market Series'.

Our Farmers' Market family is happy to host an extended version of our weekly market to bring you the best in holiday cheer this season; for the first three Wednesdays in December, from 3-7pm, find us inside at the Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association. In addition to your favourite weekly vendors, we will be hosting local artists and crafters to make your holiday shopping unique and convenient. There will also be live music, a community craft, cookie decorating and Storytime for kids, a photobooth, recipe exchange and more! This event is open to everyone and is accessible to all abilities.

Bring the kids down each week at 4:30pm for stories by the fire with Calgary Reads, and stick around to decorate a cookie. Local talent will be performing on The Sweet Beet Stage throughout the series, with a special holiday performance happening December 20th at 5pm. Tell us why you love your community with our communal garland craft, and take a picture at our photo booth for a chance to win 20$ in HSCA Farmers' Market Gift Certificates. Or get inspired with our recipe exchange, where you can discover how your community cooks, and share your own favourite holiday recipes.

Our vendors will have everything you need to make sure your holiday feast is fresh and delicious – from soups to stuffing, turkey to treats and beyond. Or help someone in need have their own feast, and donate to our Fresh Food Drive during the first two weeks of our Holiday Market Series (December 6th and 13th). We will be collecting fresh food products, or Farmers' Market Gift Certificates to be distributed through our ‘Fresh Food Basket’ Program - a weekly drop-in food access program for anyone having difficulty accessing the food that they need for a healthy life.

Whether you're searching for an exceptional gift, seeking out a unique ingredient for that new recipe, or just looking to warm up and have some holiday fun, you will find it at the Hillhurst Sunnyside Farmers' Market 'Holiday Market Series'!

HSCA Has Hired a New Executive Director

Monday October 2, 2017

Message from Tyler Chalmers, President, Board of Directors for Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association:

The HSCA Board of Directors is proud to announce that, after a thorough process, Karen Gallagher-Burt will take over the executive director position. Karen comes to us from the Calgary United Way. With over 10 years of experience in the nonprofit sector, Karen holds a Master’s degree in Social Work and specializes in Community Engagement.

Karen will head the executive department and will be responsible to liaise with our board of directors and various sub committees. She’ll serve as the main public contact and spokesperson for the organization, and will represent the company and all professional business capacities. Karen will also oversee the HSCA administration department managers.

Karen describes herself as a "Social Worker, Social Justice Activist, Political Geek, Voter, Life Partner, Husky Lover, Mum, Canadian, Social Media and Gaming nut, and Nerd". Karen says she is excited for the opportunity to work in a strong and diverse community. We believe that her pasttion and expertise will complement the HSCA team nicely. We also believe that under Karen's leadership the organization will continue to deliver on its mission to preserve and enhance a healthy and vibrant quality of life for the residents of Hillhurst-Sunnyside, as well as members and program participants throughout Calgary.

Anticipate seeing Karen around the office in the next couple of weeks. Her first official day is October 17th. Please join the HSCA board of directors in welcoming Karen to our dynamic organization.


Tyler Chalmers President, Board or Directors Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association

Message from Tyler Chalmers, President, Board of Directors for Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association:

(This message was orginally posted July 12, 2017)

Message from Tyler Chalmers, President, Board of Directors for Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association:

It is with a mixture of gratitude and sadness that I announce Quentin Sinclair’s departure as Executive Director of Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association. Effective August 4, 2017, Quentin will leave to take a senior management position with the Calgary Homeless Foundation.

Over the past six years, Quentin has played a pivotal role in numerous new initiatives to improve the lives of Hillhurst Sunnyside residents and those in surrounding Calgary neighbourhoods. His inspiring leadership and dedication to community has not only left a lasting impression on the HSCA staff and Board, but a permanent legacy at Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association. I wish to thank him for the years of dedicated service to growing and supporting our mission.

While Quentin’s departure is difficult, I am certain that Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association is in capable hands and will continue to support the HSCA mission of providing a healthy and vibrant quality of life for the residents of Hillhurst Sunnyside. We have a solid, supportive foundation of exceptional team members and are well prepared to maintain program operations for the months and years ahead.

Over the coming weeks, our Board of Directors will focus on this transition and supporting recruitment efforts.

Again, I wish to express my deepest gratitude to Quentin for the dedication, passion, enthusiasm and motivation he has provided our organization over the past six years. He will be missed by staff, the Board, volunteers and supporters alike. With Quentin’s assistance HSCA has strengthened its position as a leader in the field of community engagement, childcare and sustainability and our path to continued success over the next few months and years ahead is clear.


Tyler Chalmers President, Board of Directors Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association